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Michael Namkung is a performing artist, writer, poet, meditation teacher and father. He is also a multiple world champion athlete and in 2022 was inducted into the Ultimate Hall of Fame. He has received awards from the San Francisco Arts Commission, The Center for Cultural Innovation, the Tanne Foundation, and the James Rosenquist Artist Residency. He is best known for Drawing Gym, a hybrid of art and extreme sports and for his one-man shows of poetry and storytelling, Seeing The Invisible and Good Pain: The Art of Being Hurt.

He has exhibited and performed his work in galleries, museums, universities, festivals and public spaces worldwide, including SFMOMA, Museu de Arte Contemporaneo Niteroi (Brazil), The Asian Art Museum San Francisco, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Headlands Center for the Arts, The Frost Art Museum, Art and Culture Center of Hollywood, Waterloo Center for the Arts, Great Lakes Drawing Biennial, Incline Gallery, Transmitter Gallery, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, Southern Exposure, Root Division, The LAB, Stanford University, San Francisco State University, Locust Projects, The Drawing Center New York, and Grace Cathedral San Francisco.

He holds a Master of Education degree from the University of California Santa Barbara and a Master of Fine Arts degree from San Francisco State University. He has served as Assistant Professor of Art at Florida International University, and as Visiting Assistant Professor at Lewis and Clark College. He currently hosts writing groups and teaches meditation and creative writing to teens in addiction recovery.

For private consultation, info on Drawing Gym Workshops and other inquires, click here.